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Scroll through our list of business partners and clients who endorse our intelligent trolley solution which positive effects can be measured on user satisfaction, footfall and sales.

Vienna airport logo

Philipp Ahrens, Senior Vice President Center Management at Vienna Airport

Philipp Ahrens explains why he was interested in getting our intelligent trolleys, and why he believes in their potential regarding passenger satisfaction, communication opportunities, data collection, and retail sales.

Philipp Ahrens' interview recorded on the 5th October 2023.

Dr. Jan-Henrik Andersson, Chief Commercial Officer & Chief Security Officer at Munich Airport

Vera Valerie Jakobsen, Vice President Digital at Munich Airport

Dr. Jan-Henrik Andersson and Vera Valerie Jakobsen from Munich Airport answer our questions in this video October 2023.
Discover the motivations behind Munich Airport’s decision to get our intelligent trolleys, why they are convinced our solution will bring value to passengers’ shopping experience, and what they think of their partnership with ITS.

Jan-Henrik Andersson's interview recorded on the 5th October 2023, Vera Valerie Jakobsen's interview recorded on the 9th October 2023.

Munich airport logo
Hamburg Airport Logo

Lutz Deubel, Head of Centre Management at Hamburg Airport

“It is our aspiration at Hamburg Airport to continually enhance our airport operations with technological innovations. So, it is a particular source of delight to us to be the first German airport to present our passengers with the ‘intelligent’ cabin baggage trolleys from the company ITS.

The interactive display will enable our passengers to browse in the shops and retrieve flight information, creating a completely new shopping and service experience for airports around the world. We are proud to be able to give our passengers a taste of the digital future of travel today.”

Video interview recorded on the 3rd October 2023.

Valérie Chuong, Head of Commercial Activities and Services at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport

Aeroport Nice Cote d'Azur logo

Glenn Marius Sørgård, Chief Commercial Officer at Oslo Airport Avinor

Avinor Olso airport logo

Video extracts from the conversation between Valérie Chuong, Glenn Marius Sørgård, Morten Pankoke (Intelligent Track Systems), Thomas Kaneko Henningsen (Blueprint), and Peter Marshall (TR Unlocked).

Watch the full video on the TR Unblocked website here.

Elkjøp logo

Svend Hansen, Branch Manager at Elkjøp Travel Oslo Airport

“To be part of the test-project with the intelligent trolleys was one of my highlights in my 21 years at airport retail.

I have worked in 8 different airports across Europe, and this is the best geo-tracking I have worked with, and the potential is huge for everyone involved.

We saw a great increase in sales of the products we were advertising [on the trolley screens]. Getting the customers into our store gave us the chance to sell them other things than what they needed.

Asking the customers about feedback for using the trolleys was great - they were very happy and found it easy to use - and some of them would never have entered our store if they hadn’t been using the intelligent trolleys.”

Glenn Marius Sørgård, Commercial Operations Manager at Avinor

“It is a unique, and, for us, new way to help our passengers with wayfinding. The partnership with ITS for this pilot is very much appreciated.

We are looking forward to seeing what added value the trolleys will bring to our airport, both commercially and also with regards to passengers’ satisfaction. Findings from this pilot will be the basis when we prepare the tender documents for a new shopping trolley contract which will be renewed in 2023.”

Oslo airport Avinor logo
Nice airport logo

Interview of retailers and passengers at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport

Video interview of passengers and retailers in Nice Airport (2022) conducted by Peter Marshall from TR Unlocked.

Watch the full video on the TR Unblocked website here.

Linda Brenden, Head of Digital at Travel Retail Norway

“We believe ITS will make shopping fun and useful for everyone and attract new customers travelling through Oslo Airport.”

Tax Free Norway logo
Nice airport logo

Valérie Chuong, Head of Commercial Activities & Services at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport

“We are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to enhance the passenger experience and we believe these intelligent trolleys will do just that. We also expect to see a benefit in terms of extra sales as well as data such as heat mapping so that we can optimise our spaces.”

Gina Jacobs, Innovation Programme Manager at San Diego International Airport

“ITS trolleys enhance the experience for our passengers as they navigate the airport and also provide great insights to our team.”

San Diego International Airport logo
Blueprint Denmark logo

Thomas Kaneko Henningsen, Partner at Blueprint

"Blueprint is committed to introducing a wider range of extraordinary products and services to Travel Retail.

The intelligent trolley designed for airside shopping is an ‘industry first’, an unique commercial tool for airports. Enabling wayfinding, heatmapping, surveying, call-to-action promotions combined with a free-to-use for passengers, this value proposition is a critical win for all including passengers, airport owners and concessionaires."

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